Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Samuel Chapter 1 - 2

Saturday, January 16, 2011
Desperate Housewives I Samuel Chapter 1 - 2, v11.

Desperate Housewives: a story of desperation, jealousy, divided loyalties, and victory through faith in God.

Like all good stories we can see a definite setting, characters, plot, and resolution of a problem.

Setting: Troubled times for Israel; Ramah, the home of Elkanah and his family; Shiloh corrupt; Philistines attacking and stole God’s most sacred artifact. People wanted a king who could lead them into victory over their enemies. God is willing to provide an earthly king but wanted the people to depend on Him as their eternal King.

• Elkanah: husband to two wives, one who produced a lot of children and one who was childless.
• Hannah: first wife who was desperate for children• Peninnah: smug and unkind wife with children; she was smug but also jealous because she knew her husband loved Hannah more.
• Samuel--- the baby who was an answer to prayer and became prophet, priest, and helped establish Israel’s earthly kingdom. Samuel was the person God chose to identify and crown/anoint the first kings of Israel.
• Eli--- priest who meant well, but…
• Hophni and Phineas : selfish corrupt kids who disobeyed their father.

All good stories have heroes, villains, a problem, a solution to the problem, and an ending---sad or happy. Hannah was childless and heart broken, desperate for a son. Peninnah was smug and self-sufficient---even her husband gave her double portions for supper because of all her children. Elkannah was a good husband, providing for his family, taking them to the annual sacrifice and prayers in Shiloh [similar to weekly church in Greenville]. He loved Hannah, but he also was glad to have his children through wife Peninnah. Like the blended families of today there were a lot of hurt feelings, jealousy, and strife.

Read verses 6 and 7 in Chapter 1. In short, Hannah and Peninnah were desperate housewives.

Resolution of the Problem. Then Hannah prayed.

Read verses 9, 10, 11

What are the characteristics of her prayer?

1. She confessed her misery v10

2. She asked God to remember her

3. She vowed to return to God what He gives

4. other?

How does this translate into our prayers for today?

1. Be open and honest with God. Use the laments of the Psalms as a guide. It is better to complain to God than the people around you. You can’t confess to God anything that He doesn’t already know. V.8

2. Ask God to remember who you are as a child of His and a joint heir with Christ.

Read I John 3:2
Read Gospel of John 15:7
Read Romans 8: 14-17

3. Make your vows and ----keep them.

To your family
To your friends
To your employer or customers [contracts]
To your co-workers through promise and as ambassadors of Christ

What might happen when you pray?

Read verse 12 and 13 With courtesy and respect defend yourself. V15

Hannah’s prayer relieved her desperation. She had peace that she had done all she could do and could only rely on God to provide according to His will. God gives us the best we are willing to receive. Sometimes anger and resentment can sabbotage God plans to give us His good gifts. God did hear and remember Hannah. She raised her son Samuel which means, “Because I asked the Lord for him”. She cared for him for about 3 years then brought him, herself, to Shiloh and turned him over to Eli. Samuel would live and serve God in the tabernacle. Eli's sons Hophni and Phineaus were there also…remember how wicked and corrupt they were, but Hannah trusted God and kept her vow. I think of Julie and Eric and their children in the jungle of Central America. They have taken their two small children to live in the jungle near Camelote. Despite obvious dangers and discomfort, they are faithful to their mission in Belize.

4. Don’t forget to say thank you.

Hannah visited Samuel yearly and took him a coat to wear…just as he grew in size and as well as wisdom. She offered thanks through her prayer which has been recorded and saved for all time in I Samuel 2.

Read verses Chap 2: 1-8.

Questions for reflection:

1. Have you ever known someone like Peninnah who sought to guild his or her self-esteem by tearing down other people? Has that someone ever been you? What do you think about such situations?
2. What would you consider to be God’s greatest blessings to you? Do you also sense empty spots in your life? Can you trust God with your lack as well as your abundance?3. Can you name things you prayed for but never received? Has this negatively impacted your faith, or have you learned to find peace in the particular circumstances of your life?

Posted by Carol at Saturday, January 08, 2011 1 comments


  1. Do you want to grow closer to God? Do you need some guidance in doing so? Consider participating in the Spirituality Retreat.

    WHAT: Spirituality Retreat
    DATE: Feb 25th - Feb 27th

    more to come...

  2. Carrie E Sowash
    PRAISES & PRAYERS - Week of 1-16-11

    DALE - Coworker Coleen, loss of sister...Friend Madeline, loss of brother...Friend
    Carol, mother is ill
    BONNIE - Son Kevin, is doing better...please pray that he continues to receive the
    help that he needs.
    STEVE - Mother as she continues to receive therapy and following hip surgery and
    broken femuur had.
    TERESA - Mother had dental surgery on Tuesday and will require 24 hour care.
    Brother as he begins a new job...Sister's children and husband...
    JOE - Good general health
    WALTER - Work...Father's health...discernment for helping his family.
    TED - Finishing his last semster of school...seeking a place of worship, study, and
    SYLVIA - Friend RuthAnn as she battles cancer...Unspoken
    JOHN - Best friend's, mother died last week...Work...Back issues.
    CARRIE - YEAH PRAISE - Nicholas' tumor has gotten smaller!!! Everyday Faith Class

    Please keep the church in prayer. Pray for her daily.
